在Spring 3.2之前,在Spring MVC应用程序中处理异常的两种主要方法是:HandlerExceptionResolver或@ExceptionHandler注释。这两个都有一些明显的缺点。3.2之后,我们现在有了新的@ControllerAdvice注释来解决前面两个解决方案的局限性。所有这些都有一个共同点 - 他们处理分离问题非常好。应用程序可以正常抛出异常以指示某种类型的异常 - 然后将单独处理异常。
解决方案1 - 控制器级别@ExceptionHandler
在@Controller class中定义一个方法来处理异常, 并加上@ExceptionHandler annotation:
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| @RestController public class FooController{ @ExceptionHandler({ CustomException1.class, CustomException2.class }) public void handleException() { } }
主要缺点: @ExceptionHandler注释方法只对该该Controller有效, 不能全局使用。
解决方案2 - HandlerExceptionResolver
定义一个 HandlerExceptionResolver 统一处理决应用程序抛出的任何异常。
Spring 3.1 ExceptionHandlerExceptionResolve
默认在DispatcherServlet中启用, @ExceptionHandler就是通过它实现的
Spring 3.0 DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver
默认在DispatcherServlet中启用, 他会将Spring的异常解析为相应的HTTP status codes, e.g. 400, 500 …
完整的异常和对应的HTTP status code, 但是他没有设置任何的response body.
Spring 3.0 ResponseStatusExceptionResolver
默认在DispatcherServlet中启用, 自定义异常的@ResponseStatus注释,并将这些异常映射到HTTP状态代码:
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| @ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) publi class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { public ResourceNotFoundException() { super(); } public ResourceNotFoundException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public ResourceNotFoundException(String message) { super(message); } public ResourceNotFoundException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } }
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| @Component public class RestResponseStatusExceptionResolver extends AbstractHandlerExceptionResolver {
@Override protected ModelAndView doResolveException (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, Exception ex) { try { if (ex instanceof IllegalArgumentException) { return handleIllegalArgument((IllegalArgumentException) ex, response, handler); } ... } catch (Exception handlerException) { logger.warn("Handling of [" + ex.getClass().getName() + "] resulted in Exception", handlerException); } return null; }
private ModelAndView handleIllegalArgument (IllegalArgumentException ex, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_CONFLICT); String accept = request.getHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT); ... return new ModelAndView(); } }
解决方案3 - 使用@ControllerAdvice(@RestControllerAdvice)注解(需要Spring 3.2及以上de版本)
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| @ControllerAdvice public class RestResponseEntityExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {
@ExceptionHandler(value = { IllegalArgumentException.class, IllegalStateException.class }) @ResponseBody protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleConflict(RuntimeException ex, WebRequest request) { String bodyOfResponse = "This should be application specific"; return handleExceptionInternal(ex, bodyOfResponse, new HttpHeaders(), HttpStatus.CONFLICT, request); } }
原文链接: https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/web.html#mvc-ann-exceptionhandler